Building An Outline For A Descriptive Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide


If you are wondering why your essay wasn't as good as your friend’s was, well it may be highly likely that the outline was not properly thought through and, as a result, your write-up was disorganized and not in one flow. You see, an outline before writing any paper is important because now you will have a roadmap of how to proceed further. Imagine, if you do not know your way around and don't have a map you will get lost, well the outline does function as a road map. If you are not sure how to construct an effective outline, then you're in luck today because today I'm going to show step by step the proper way to building an outline for your descriptive essay.

The Steps to Building an Outline:

Following are the steps to building an outline. Now, it is highly imperative that you do not skip any of these steps otherwise the whole purpose of this article will fail.

  1. Introduction:
  2. This is a brief paragraph of not more than 6-7 lines where you will give a brief overview of what your paper is all about. It is important that the introduction is brilliantly written because you are at this stage trying to develop the interest and curiosity of the reader to keep on reading further. Grab their attention quickly with the introduction.

  3. Main Body:
  4. The main body usually has three to four paragraphs so it is important that give a name to each paragraph as the reader will have a much clearer idea of what the paragraph will be all about. The content of your introduction should be reflected in the main body, and nothing off-topic should be included at any cost.

  5. Conclusion:
  6. The ending stage of your writing should at first re-emphasize the points in the introduction. After that, your conclusion should have an overall concluding phrase that will focus on the things discussed in the main body of your essay.


These are the steps that need to be included if you want to build an effective outline for your descriptive essay. It is important that you do not ignore and follow each and every step so that you won’t face problems later. If still you are unclear and looking for an example then you just need to look at the format of this article!

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