The Easiest Method To Get A Top Mark On Your School Essay

There is one thing called discipline and another called intelligence. When you cultivate the art of mixing these two attributes in fair quantity; you are likely to succeed in most ventures you take. It is always wise to keep your wits about you.

Say you have got a school essay in exam (you will invariably do) and you wish to get top marks. What should you do? Here is the fill-in

  • Understand teacher’s psychology – Here is where your intelligence and absorptive capacity come in. You should note how the teacher marks assignment pieces and you will get an idea of what the teacher actually expects. He may be a stickler for explanations; he may desire students to take their own stance. Use your observation to pivotal effect in the exam.
  • Grounding in the topic – You should of course choose such a topic in which you have more than a passing knowledge. Otherwise you will find the coasting rather tough. When you are grounded, you can take off in various directions and that represents your comfort level.
  • Jotting important points – Relax and spend 5 minutes in bracketing points of interest in regard to the topic. Choose such points that have a credible edge and are distinctive. They will give you enough meat for the structure. You can spread them all in the course of the Body.
  • The point to stand on – You should be clear about the standing motif; the point you are willing to fight for. You need to support it through perspectives and facts. It should be the essential essence of your piece; a takeaway if you will.
  • A nice structure – You should make sure that the piece looks eminently structured and easy on the eye. You cannot have one paragraph diametrically different in size to the other.
  • Quest for solution – You should make a sincere attempt to solve the topical theme in such a manner that resolute solutions emerge. This gives an impression that you know how the dice rolls. There should be that liberating element involved.
  • Freedom from errors – Do refined proofreading at the end to whisk off any grammatical or structural errors. The effort should be evident. The teacher will take the cue if you toil; he is too experienced not to do so.
  • A fluid writing style – Your essay has a great chance to bag startling marks if it is presented in lucid and fluid style. The tone should be assertive and stick to the type.

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