Places To Go In Search For A Good Topic For A Persuasive Essay

As a student you will certainly be assigned to write a persuasive essay at some stage. Before starting to write, it’s critically important to find a strong thesis statement to be able to convince your reader. A successfully chosen topic may turn your work into a real gem, whereas an ambiguous topic will leave your reader wondering what you wanted to say. Your teacher may or may not offer you a list of topics. In the latter case, you should know places where to search for topics.

Looking for a Persuasive Essay Topic: Traditional Tools

  • Do a brainstorm.
  • Begin with thinking over what you already know. You surely have some passions which might give you an idea for a topic. It’s always easier to argue about something you have passion for rather than exploring something new. Also, check your class notes. At the very least, it may save you time that you would spend on reading the information you already know in books.

  • Ask a librarian for help.
  • Unfortunately, many modern students never visit libraries. They don’t even know that a librarian’s job consists not only of helping students find books, but also giving advice. Any librarian would be happy to demonstrate his or her erudition by giving you a hand. You may get access to reference materials full of useful information that will help you come up with an idea.

  • Get help in books.
  • Many books are dedicated to academic writing. There are whole chapters dedicated to discussing the issue of choosing a good topic. You may buy those books, get them in libraries or download from the Internet. Many books are now available in electronic version (eBooks).

Getting Help Online

The Internet is swarming with different sources and there’s always the temptation to just enter words in your search engine bar and click on the first link that appears on the search results page. Unfortunately, the easiest way is not always the best. Many Internet sources provide information of poor quality. If you ask for help on some forum related to studies, you’ll most probably get answers, but why rely on them more than on your own judgement? Not that all Internet forums are dubious, but you should definitely be cautious and weigh all pros and cons. A weird-sounding topic may make your teacher wonder where you picked it.


Nowadays it is easier to come up with an excellent persuasive essay topic than ever before. There are plenty of tools available to help you make the decision. There remains only one thing: to choose a topic in which you are both knowledgeable and convincing.

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